These Terms and Conditions("Terms") constitute a legally binding agreement between you("User," "you," or "your") and Grove FinancialServices LLC (“Grove,” "Grove Finance," "we," "us,"or "our") regarding your use of our marketplace platform to connectwith potential lenders for business financing.
1.1. Applicationmeans the financing application form and all supporting documentation submittedby you through our Platform.
1.2. BusinessDay means any day other than Saturday, Sunday, or a federal holiday.
1.3. Lendermeans any financial institution or individual that offers financing optionsthrough our Platform.
1.4. Loanmeans the financing provided to you by a Lender, not by Grove Finance.
1.5. LoanAgreement means the final agreement between you and a Lender setting forththe specific terms of your Loan.
1.6. Platformmeans the Grove Finance website, mobile application, and related services thatconnect borrowers with Lenders.
2.1. Natureof Services. Grove Finance:
● Operates a marketplace platformconnecting potential borrowers with Lenders;
● Does not issue loans, make creditdecisions, or service loans;
● Provides technology tools tofacilitate the loan application process;
● May assist in document collectionand verification for Lenders;
● Does not guarantee that you willreceive financing from any Lender.
2.2. PlatformFees. Grove Finance may charge:
● A platform access fee;
● A matching success fee if yousecure financing through the Platform;
● Additional fees for premiumservices as described on our website.
2.3. NoFinancial Advice. Grove Finance:
● Does not provide financial, tax,or legal advice;
● Does not recommend specificLenders or loan products;
● Presents financing options basedon the information you provide and Lender criteria.
3.1. AccountCreation. To use our Platform, you must:
● Create an account with accurateinformation;
● Maintain the confidentiality ofyour login credentials;
● Promptly notify us of anyunauthorized access to your account;
● Be at least 18 years old and haveauthority to act on behalf of the business entity.
3.2. AccountTermination. We may suspend or terminate your account:
● If you violate these Terms;
● If you provide false or misleadinginformation;
● For prolonged inactivity;
● At our discretion for any reasonwith reasonable notice.
4.1. ApplicationSubmission. By submitting an Application through our Platform, you:
● Authorize us to share yourinformation with potential Lenders in our network;
● Acknowledge that each Lender hasits own underwriting criteria and process;
● Understand that Grove Finance doesnot make lending decisions.
4.2. InformationAuthorization. You authorize us to:
● Collect information about you andyour business;
● Verify the information youprovide;
● Share your information withLenders and service providers;
● Retain information even if you donot secure financing.
4.3. AccurateInformation. You represent and warrant that:
● All information provided is true,accurate, complete, and not misleading;
● You have authority to submit theApplication on behalf of the business;
● The business is duly organized,validly existing, and in good standing;
● You are applying for businesspurposes only, not for personal, household, or consumer purposes.
4.4. CreditAuthorization. You authorize:
● Grove Finance and potentialLenders to obtain credit reports and background information;
● The sharing of information betweenGrove Finance and Lenders for purposes of facilitating the Application process.
5.1. MatchingProcess. Grove Finance will:
● Present your Application toLenders who may be interested in your profile;
● Notify you of initial interestfrom Lenders;
● Facilitate communication betweenyou and interested Lenders.
5.2. LenderRelationships. You understand that:
● Each Lender makes independentdecisions about whether to offer financing;
● Loan terms, rates, and conditionsare set solely by the Lender, not by Grove Finance;
● Any Loan Agreement is between youand the Lender, not Grove Finance;
● Grove Finance is not a party toany Loan Agreement you enter into with a Lender.
5.3. NoGuarantee. Grove Finance does not:
● Guarantee approval for financing;
● Guarantee specific rates, terms,or conditions;
● Guarantee the performance of anyLender;
● Endorse any particular Lender orloan product.
6.1. ProhibitedActivities. You agree not to:
● Submit false or misleadinginformation;
● Use the Platform for illegalpurposes;
● Attempt to reverse engineer thePlatform;
● Use automated means to access thePlatform;
● Interfere with the properfunctioning of the Platform;
● Impersonate any person or entity;
● Harass or threaten Platform staffor Lenders.
7.1. PrivacyPolicy. Our collection, use, and sharing of information is governed by ourPrivacy Policy, which is incorporated by reference into these Terms.
7.2. InformationSharing. You consent to:
● The sharing of your informationwith Lenders;
● The sharing of your informationwith service providers who assist in operating the Platform;
● The retention and use of yourinformation to improve our services;
● The disclosure of your informationas required by law.
7.3. DataSecurity. While we implement reasonable security measures, we cannotguarantee the security of information transmitted through the internet.
8.1. PlatformContent. All content on the Platform, including but not limited to text,graphics, logos, and software, is the property of Grove Finance or itslicensors and is protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectualproperty laws.
8.2. LimitedLicense. We grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license toaccess and use the Platform for its intended purpose.
8.3. Restrictions.You may not:
● Copy, modify, or create derivativeworks based on the Platform;
● Use the Platform for commercialpurposes without our consent;
● Remove any copyright, trademark,or other proprietary notices.
9.1. PlatformProvided "As Is". The Platform is provided on an "asis" and "as available" basis, without warranties of any kind,either express or implied.
9.2. NoLending Relationship. Grove Finance:
● Is not a lender, loan broker, orloan originator;
● Does not underwrite loans or makecredit decisions;
● Does not guarantee theavailability or terms of any financing option.
9.3. NoEndorsement. We do not endorse or vouch for any Lender or financing productavailable through the Platform.
9.4. LenderResponsibility. You acknowledge that:
● Each Lender is solely responsiblefor its financing offers, decisions, and services;
● Grove Finance is not responsiblefor the actions or omissions of any Lender;
● Any dispute regarding a Loan mustbe resolved directly with the relevant Lender.
9.5. Limitationof Liability. To the maximum extent permitted by law:
● Grove Finance shall not be liablefor any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages;
● Our total liability for all claimsrelated to these Terms shall not exceed the amount of fees you paid to usduring the six months prior to the claim.
10.1. You agree to indemnify, defend, andhold harmless Grove Finance and its officers, directors, employees, and agentsfrom and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses arisingout of or in any way connected with your access to or use of the Platform oryour violation of these Terms.
11.1. Governing Law. These Terms shall be governed by and construed inaccordance with the laws of the state of Delaware, without regard to itsconflict of law principles.
11.2. Arbitration. Any dispute arising out of or relating to these Termsshall be resolved by binding arbitration administered by the AmericanArbitration Association under its Commercial Arbitration Rules. The arbitrationshall be conducted in Delaware. Judgment on the award may be entered in anycourt having jurisdiction.
11.3. Class Action Waiver. You waive any right to participate in a classaction lawsuit or class-wide arbitration.
11.4. Small Claims. Either party may bring an individual action in smallclaims court for disputes within the jurisdiction of such court.
12.1. We may modify these Terms at anytime by posting the revised Terms on the Platform. Your continued use of thePlatform after such changes constitutes your acceptance of the revised Terms.
13.1. Assignment. We may assign our rights and obligations under theseTerms. You may not assign your rights or obligations without our prior writtenconsent.
13.2. Severability. If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalidor unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force andeffect.
13.3. Entire Agreement. These Terms, together with our Privacy Policy,constitute the entire agreement between you and us regarding the Platform.
13.4. No Waiver. Our failure to enforce any right or provision of theseTerms shall not be considered a waiver of such right or provision.
13.5. Force Majeure. We shall not be liable for any failure to performour obligations due to causes beyond our reasonable control.
13.6. Notices. Notices to you may be sent to the email address associatedwith your account. Notices to us must be sent to the address specified below.
14.1. For questions or concerns regardingthese Terms or the Platform, please contact us at:
Grove Financial Services LLC
7581 SW 191st St, Miami, FL 33157
Lastupdated: February 24, 2025